Power Gripper Metal Series – Professional Grip Strengtheners (50lbs – 400lbs) for Grip, Wrist & Arm Training
BEGINNER LEVEL (Pink 50LBS & PURPLE 100LBS) – Our 50lbs & 100lbs Power Grippers are the perfect introduction to grip straining. Perfect for a beginner starting off your strength journey, or those looking to rehabilitate & recover from injury.
INTERMEIDATE LEVEL (150LBS BLUE & 200LBS RED) – The 150lbs & 200lbs are the perfect gripper to strengthen your tendons and upper limbs with frequent use. We recommend this gripper for those with an average level of strength, and not for those who are beginners.
ADVANCED LEVEL (250LBS BLACK & 300LBS SILVER) – Our 250lbs & 300lbs Metal Grippers are made for those with an above average level of grip strength already. This metal gripper is suited for those with a high level of strength already.
BEGINNER LEVEL (Pink 50LBS & PURPLE 100LBS) – Our 50lbs & 100lbs Power Grippers are the perfect introduction to grip straining. Perfect for a beginner starting off your strength journey, or those looking to rehabilitate & recover from injury.
INTERMEIDATE LEVEL (150LBS BLUE & 200LBS RED) – The 150lbs & 200lbs are the perfect gripper to strengthen your tendons and upper limbs with frequent use. We recommend this gripper for those with an average level of strength, and not for those who are beginners.
ADVANCED LEVEL (250LBS BLACK & 300LBS SILVER) – Our 250lbs & 300lbs Metal Grippers are made for those with an above average level of grip strength already. This metal gripper is suited for those with a high level of strength already.
ELITE LEVEL (350LBS GOLD) – Our golden grip strengthener is an extremely difficult gripper to close. To be able to close this gripper, be prepared to face a crushing 159kg of resistance. This Metal Gripper is for experts only.
ULTRA LEVEL (400LBS GREEN) – The 400lbs gripper is the ultimate grip pro challenge for the very advanced. Before attempting to close this gripper, we recommend warming up with a lighter tension. This is one of the world’s most difficult grippers to close and for good reason. The resistance level is equivalent to 181kg.
GRIP STRENGTH TRAINING GUIDE – Each Hand Grip Strengthener comes with its own training guide to help maximise your Grip strengthening and rehabilitation results. Choose from a variety of holding positions in the hand, using some or all fingers. Decide to close and hold for 15-30 seconds or simply to pulse from opened to closed over the course of a 1-2 minute session, it’s all possible with the PowerGripper Metal Grip Strengtheners.
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